Saturday, July 21, 2018

Aloha! Let's revive this blog with a health update, shall we?

Aloha world!

I had been so MIA for the last few years because I focused too much on my new work and I have not had the motivation to write. I would have ideas on what to write about but to actually write or type them here, feels like too much of a chore. 

Anyhow, I finally decided to open this again and maybe document the stuff that I do instead of just keeping them in my head. 

First stop, I have PCOS. That's Polycystic ovary syndrome.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects a woman's hormone levels. Women with PCOS produce higher-than-normal amounts of male hormones. This hormone imbalance causes them to skip menstrual periods and makes it harder for them to get pregnant. -
I have had irregular menstrual cycle ever since my period started. At first I didn't give it much attention  until I was 
about 20 or 21 when I had terrible breakouts, super oily skin and hair and periods for once or twice a year. 

After my first consultation, I was indeed diagnosed with PCOS. The OB advised me to take pills and/or to stop 
working at night. Changing my wok schedule wasn't that easy so I decided to take contraceptive pills instead. 
I had been on and off the pills since then there would be years that my menstrual cycle would seem normal but 
then PCOS would always come back. 

Fast forward to almost a decade after, I recently stopped taking pills again and it's my second month off of it. 
My last OB advised me to take this condition seriously as she said that I wont get better by just relying on pills alone. 

I have to start living a healthier lifestyle. I need to eat healthier, drink more water and be more active. 

A week ago, I told myself that I will stop eating from fast food chains and drinking fancy coffee. I also need to stop 
or at least lessen my sugar intake. 

I will start posting a weekly summary of the things I ate during the entire work week so I can monitor my diet better. 
Let's start at that. :)

If anyone's reading this, feel free to share your thoughts about PCOS, your exprience with it if you have it too and 
what you do to cope with it. 


Friday, June 23, 2017

After Two Years

Guess who's back? I've been MIA for I think 3 years? More or less? Well, who cares? No one really, I just stumbled upon this old blog that I have (not that I have a new one) and I suddenly felt like writing again.

So what has changed in the past three years apart from maybe me getting older and fatter? I guess some of the most significant changes are:

1. I have switched jobs.
2. I have lost 2 grandparents, one on 2015 and another on 2016.
3. I lost some dogs, got some cats and kittens.
4. I'm in a complicated relationship/partnership.
5. I'm not that much into make up anymore, I focus more on skin care now.
6. I got into YOGA!
7. I've marked myself.

I've been through a rough patch since last year. There was even a time when I thought that I wont overcome all the challenges that life threw at me all at once but surprisingly I did. That's the most important thing I learned over the last few years. It may sound cliche but .nothing really is temporary, not even your problems.

I think the past 2-3 years have made me realize how hard it is to be an adult. I have not learned everything yet, I know I still have a lot to learn but I managed not be be too hard on myself anymore. I have accepted the fact that it's okay to stumble, make mistakes, fail, etc. because that's the only way you'd learn.

Hopefully I'd get to keep this blog updated now. I'll be sharing some travels that I've done and experiences I've had. :)

I'm excited because I can actually access this in my current workplace now so I'm pretty sure it would be easier to update the blog this time. :)



Friday, November 7, 2014

Foundation: Covergirl Trublend Liquid Makeup and Rimmel Stay Matte Liquid Mousse Foundation

A few months back, I decided go try the CoverGirl TruBlend Foundation because my Etude House had broken me out really bad and I needed something for everyday use.

I was supposed to get the CoverGirl Outlast Foundation but it was out of stock so I resorted to getting the TruBlend instead. It wasn't locally available here in the Philippines so I got mine online for only 400 Php and I have in the shade L5

According to the CoverGirl website:
 "truBLEND Liquid Makeup is available in 21 shades and features a new shade-matching system. To find your perfect blend, first determine your shade family. Second, choose your number. Coordinate complementary truBLEND products based on your number for a seamlessly flawless nude look that blends in and virtually disappears."
I personally like it because of its natural finish on me. Coverage wise, it's not the best one, I have to admit, but I think I have reached that point in my life where in a full coverage foundation is the answer to all my problems. Haha!

I lasts for about 4-5 hours on my skin before it starts to break down and show all my imperfections to the world. It doesn't have any scent to it as well.

Another reason why I like it is because of the packaging, it's in a bottle container, it has a pump and it locks as well. It's very travel friendly.

I hasn't broken me out yet and I have been using it for about 3 months now and I still love it.

Another foundation that I have been loving these past few months, would be a full coverage foundation. I use it whenever I feel like I need to look more put together and whenever I'm going out not for work.

The foundation I'm talking about is the Rimmel Stay Matte Liquid Mousse Foundation. I got it from the same online store for only 330 Php and I'm in the shade classic beige.

Before purchasing this product, I searched for reviews online and I found out that this tends to oxidize and it was suggested that you purchase a shade lighter that what you normally have.

Now why do I like this foundation? First,  it's full coverage and it's really matte. It just has a little scent to it but it doesn't bother me at all.

It stays intact for 6-8 hours before it starts to wear off. You'll just have to make sure you blot every now and then.

This product reminds me of the Revlon Whipped Foundation but I prefer the Rimmel one beacause it comes in a squeeze tube container which is way more hygienic compared to the Revlon one which comes in a pot.

Just like the TruBlend one, this foundation hasn't broken me out as well even after using it for about 3 months now.

Now at the moment, I do not have a picture of the swatches yet but I'll be updating this post with those pictures soon!

Comment down below if you have tried these foundations yourself and suggestions are very much welcome.



Thursday, November 6, 2014

FACE MAPPING: What your breakouts are telling you.

I have had 3 major cystic acne breakouts on the left part of my chin in the past few days so I decided to look it up online. Breakouts on the chin area apparently are hormonal breakouts, you'd tend to get them usually when it's "that time of the month" and according to my research, breakouts on this area appear on one side or the other depending on which ovary is ovulating that month.

With this new knowledge of mine, I've come up with my own face mapping guide to help us get a better understanding of what's going on in our bodies and skin.

So without further ado, I present to you this visual guide of what your breakouts are telling you.

1. Forehead. Breakouts across the forehead are usually cause by sleep deprivation or stress. Make sure you get at least 7-9 hours of sleep at night to keep your forehead clear.

2. Above the brow. The area above the brow is affected by your immune system. Breakouts happen here right before, after, or during a cold or flu. If you notice a breakout on this zone, slow down for a couple of days, drink lots of water and eat immune boosting foods.

3. Between brows. Breakouts between the brows can be cause by overindulgence of unhealthy food or a food allergy. Cutting back on sugar. dairy, and alcohol can help clear up the skin on this zone.

4. Cheeks. Your cheeks are linked to your respiratory system. Smoking or breathing polluted air can cause breakouts here.

5. Side of chin. The sided of your chin are affected by hormones. Breakouts here occur around "the time of the month" and happen on one side or another depending on which ovary is ovulating that month.

6. Heart. Check your blood pressure and Vitamin B levels. Decrease intake of spicy or pungent food, cut down on meat and get more fresh air. Apart from these, looks into ways of lowering down your cholesterol like replacing "bad fats" with "good fats" such as Omega 3 and 6 found in nuts, avocados, fish, and flax seed. Also, since this area is chock-full of dilated pores, make sure that your make up is not past its expiry or is skin clogging.

7. Kidneys. Anything around the eyes, including dark circles point to dehydration. Drink up!

Comment down below if this is of any help. Suggestions are very much appreciated. Thanks for dropping by!



Wednesday, October 22, 2014

New Skin Care Routine

A few months back, I started adding organic stuff for my skin care routine. I started with the Pure Organic Argan Oil, Aztec Clay Mask. I've blogged about it before and as of now, I stopped using the Argan oil mainly because I already ran out of it and I didn't really see any effect of the said "liquid gold" on my skin. I was however great for my lashes. It made them thicker and healthier.

For my NEW Skine Care Routine, I still do the cleanse, tone and moisturize twice a day every day. And twice a week, I put on my favorite Aztec Clay Mask diluted in Organic Apple Cider Vinergar.

For y body, I still use the ever beloved Avon Naturals Wallnut Soap, every other day. I use the Kojie San Soap on a daily basis. For underarms, I use a new deodorant that I am really loving right now.

Daily Routine:

Facial Cleansers:
> Morning: Royale Beauty L-Glutapower Anti-ageing Facial Soap
>Night: Raw African Black Soap

>Morning&Night: Eskinol

>Morning: Garnier Light Moisturizer (minimal, very minimal)
>Night: Raw Shea Butter

Weekly Routine:
>Aztec Clay Mask
>Organic Apple cider Vinegar

Body Soap:
>Avon Naturals Wallnut Soap (every other day)
>Kojie San Kojic Acid Soap

>Nu Skin Deo

Thursday, October 16, 2014

October's First Post

Alright, here I go again! I have been MIA for more than a month.. Stress stress and more stress..  Oh well, to keep myself motivated, I wont be wearing any earrings until I have completed this list of blog posts (with pictures) that I HAVE to because they've been long over due!

1. New Skin Care Routine
2. New Fave Foundation
3. It's Judy Time Palette Review
4. A facial soap review
5. October Favorites

I plan to start this weekend so hopefully I really get to do it because I can't live without earrings!!