Monday, August 4, 2014

back from my MIA Moment

Aloha peppermints! Here I go again. I was MIA for more than two months because I have been cray cray busy back in June with a lot of birthday celebrations and client visits and by July, I went to the province with my mum and brother. I enjoyed my time there, I had a great time getting in to know my relatives in the province. I'll be blogging about our vacay soon! Some sad news though, my boyfriend and I had broken up about a month ago and I'm in that point in my life that I'd rather see people walk out it than deal with all the BS forever...

Another reason that I haven't really blogged in the past few months is because I have been really stressed out and breaking out really bad.. I think my hormonal imbalance contributes to this as well, so I have been finding ways on treating my break outs and balancing my hormones.

I'll be sharing with you the things I do and things I use as well. if you do have any suggestions, please don't hesitate to share as I need all the help I could get in living a better life and being a better person. :)

*I think the photo on top would give you an idea of how much fun I had in General Santos City.
More of these on my next blog.



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